Jaret ThompsonDirector of the Purcell Collegiate Corporate Board珀塞尔独立学校董事局董事Introducing an international school into a community isn’t as simple as building a facility and opening the doors. It is along road of planning, approvals and meetings, followed by replanning, more meetings and additional approvals. While there are many challenges on a projectof this scale, they are far outweighed by the benefits.将国际学校引入社区并不像建造设施和打开大门那么简单。这是一条漫长的规划、批准和会议的道路,然后是重新规划、更多的会议和额外的批准。尽管在这种规模的项目上存在许多挑战,但收益远远超出了挑战。An international school in a community like Kimberley, BC, provides many positive outcomes – economically, socially and culturally, both for the hosts and visitors.在加拿大卑诗省金伯利这样的社区引入一所国际学校将在经济、社会和文化方面为社区居民和访客带来了许多积极的成效。The international education sector in Canada comprises over 700,000 students eac...