
日期: 2021-08-11
发表于: 2021-08-11


加拿大和世界各地的教育机构利用 PIE 的专家团队在各种国际教育相关计划中进行项目规划、管理和人员配备解决方案。

PIE 已发展成为一家多元化公司,在 K-12 教育、儿童保育和高尔夫球场管理领域拥有实体业务和资产。


(Purcell Golf:这个传奇的球场蜿蜒穿过黄松林,高耸的山峰在树林间熠熠生辉。)

As most community members know, Purcell International Education (PIE) has been working to build a world-class international boarding school in Kimberley for more than three years now. For much of that time, that effort has included a close working relationship with the Kimberley Golf Club and its members, the key features of which stem from the sale of the golf course lands to PIE. The terms of the sale were designed to be synergistic and mutually beneficial: PIE invested in capital improvements to the golf course and committed to the construction of at least four new golf holes to replace the existing holes (6, 7, 8, and 9) which have been designated for the construction of the Purcell Collegiate School campus.

正如大多数社区成员所知,Purcell International Education (PIE) 三年多来一直致力于在金伯利建立一所世界一流的国际寄宿学校。在大部分时间里,这一努力包括与金伯利高尔夫俱乐部及其成员建立密切的工作关系,这种关系的主要特点源于将高尔夫球场土地出售给PIE。出售条款旨在实现协同互利:PIE投资资本改善高尔夫球场和致力于建设至少四个新的高尔夫球洞来取代现有的高尔夫球洞(6、7、8和9)这些球洞已被指定为珀塞尔学校校园的建设。


(珀塞尔独立学校由Berry Architecture&Associates设计及施工)

Leading up to April of this year, the development plan for the school involved building adjacent to the golf course lands on a 5-acre parcel of land next to Marysville Falls. That plan would have seen the school operate in that location for up to five years before the golf course lands were developed for an expansion of the campus. Circumstances changed as the pandemic ran its course and an opportunity to realize the original vision for Purcell Collegiate School designed for and built on the golf course itself emerged as an alternative to building on the adjacent parcel.

直到今年4月,学校的发展计划还包括在马里斯维尔瀑布(Marysville Falls)附近的一块5英亩的土地上,在高尔夫球场附近修建学校。按照该计划,在高尔夫球场用地被开发用于校园扩张之前,学校将在该地区运营至多5年。随着疫情的发展,情况发生了变化,珀塞尔独立学校为高尔夫球场设计并建造的最初愿景成为了在邻近地块上建造的替代方案。


(珀塞尔独立学校由Berry Architecture&Associates设计及施工)

As a result, PIE and the company it founded to build the school, Purcell Collegiate Incorporated (PCI), are pleased to announce that they are moving forward with construction of new holes for the golf course and a campus development on holes 6, 7, 8, and 9. Due to pandemic-related impacts on construction processes, the construction plans are being engaged contemporaneously instead of consecutively. That is to say, instead of building and completing the new holes prior to commencing the construction ofthe school, PIE and PCI are working closely with the Kimberley Golf Club to undertake simultaneous construction projects coordinated as follows:

因此,PIE 及其为建造学校而创立的公司Purcell Collegiate Incorporated (PCI) 高兴地宣布,他们正在推进为高尔夫球场建造新球洞,并在 6、7、8和9号球洞进行校园开发。由于大流行对施工过程的影响,施工计划是同时进行的,而不是连续进行的。也就是说,PIE 和 PCI 与金伯利高尔夫俱乐部密切合作,同时进行如下协调的建设项目,而不是在开始建设学校之前建造和完成新的球洞:


(自 1924 年以来,这座历史悠久的球场已自豪地证明是美丽的不列颠哥伦比亚省落基山脉地区风景最优美、最具魅力和最具挑战性的高尔夫球场之一。起伏的果岭和沿着球道耸立的巨大黄松,您将体验真正的山地高尔夫体验。)

· construction of two new golf holes and one new tee box (already underway) to be completed in time for the start of the 2022 golf season: 1) a permanent par 3 tentatively called “The Perch”located behind the 11th green; 2) a temporary par 3 tentatively called “The Nursery”, located adjacent to the 16th fairway; and 3) a temporary tee box for #12 located between the 11th green and the new “The Perch” green transforming #12 into a par 5;

•两个新高尔夫球洞和一个新发球台(已经在建造中)将在2022年高尔夫赛季开始前完工:1)位于11号果岭后面的一个暂定名为“鲈鱼”(the Perch)的永久3杆洞;2)位于第16号球道附近的临时3杆(暂称“苗圃”);3)位于第11果岭和新“鲈鱼”果岭之间的12号临时发球区,将12号改为5号标准杆;

· finalize design for a total of six new permanent holes and commence construction on three of them (one par 4, two par 5s) on the floodplain located below holes #12 and #13 adjacent to the St.Mary’s River to be completed in time for the start of the 2023 golf season; and

•完成总共六个新永久性球洞的设计,并在位于圣玛丽河附近的#12 和#13 洞下方的洪泛区开始建造其中三个(一个四杆洞,两个五杆洞),以便及时完工为 2023 年高尔夫赛季的开始做准备;和


(Purcell Golf)

· commence construction of Purcell Collegiate School on holes 7 and 8 beginning October 12, 2021, the day after the course closes for the season toward opening the school in September 2023.

•从2021年10月12日开始,Purcell Collegiate School在第7和第8洞开始施工,这是高尔夫关闭后的第二天,学校将于2023年9月开学。

From an operational perspective at Purcell Golf, these plans will manifestas follows during the 2022 golf season:

从Purcell Golf的运营角度来看,这些计划将在2022年高尔夫赛季期间体现如下:

· holes 7 and 8 will be replaced by “The Perch” and “The Nursery” and hole 12 will be extended to a par 5 to ensure and enable 18 holes of quality golf being in play at a par of 71;



(Purcell Golf)

· holes 7 and 8 will become an active construction site with special provisions in place to accommodate golfers,particularly on hole 6 where some netting will be required on the east side of the fairway and an access road built to cross it about 100 yards from the green; and


· construction of three permanent replacement holes will be taking place on the floodplain below holes 12 and 13 with construction access via a road west of the 14th tee box resulting in minimal to no disruption in play.

•将在 12 号洞和 13 号洞下方的洪泛区建造三个永久性替换球洞,施工通道可通过 14 号发球台以西的道路进入,从而最大限度地减少或不影响比赛。


(Purcell Golf)

From the start of the 2023 golf season, the course will play as follows:


· the new flood-plain holes (par 4, par 5,par 5) will be ready for play and, along with “The Perch,” will comprise the four new holes required to replace those removed for the campus (6, 7, 8 and9);


· hole #12 will revert to a par 4 and thecourse will play to a par of 71;


· hole #6 will be removed from play andincorporated into the construction plan for the school;


· hole #9 will be removed from play from the Lone Pine north and incorporated into the construction plan for the school;a 19th hole (par 3) from the Lone Pine or possibly the former 8th tee box to the 9th green will be added until such time as school expansion requires that land, creating a 19th hole; and

•9号洞将从Lone Pine北部移除,并纳入学校的建设计划;从Lone Pine或前第8发球区到第9果岭的第19洞(标准杆3杆)将被增加,直到学校扩建需要这块地时,创建第19洞;和

· the hole known as “The Nursery” may alsobe retained as an extra hole to permit refurbishment of other holes (TBD).



(Purcell Golf)

This plan supports an exciting and vibrant future for the Kimberley Golf Club at Purcell Golf that will ultimately lead to the addition of three more new holes, a new driving range, and eventually a new clubhouse. The completion of construction for and commencement of operations at Purcell Collegiate School is the key driver for this long-term vision to provide a world-class golf experience at small-town rates in the context of a 100-year-old membership club steeped in history and central to the culture ofthe golf course, the community, and the unique nature of the Purcell Collegiate campus.

该计划为位于Purcell Golf的金伯利高尔夫俱乐部提供了一个激动人心且充满活力的未来,最终将增加三个新球洞、一个新练习场,并最终建立一个新的俱乐部会所。Purcell Collegiate School 的建设完成并开始运营是实现这一长期愿景的关键驱动力,该愿景旨在为拥有 100 年历史的会员俱乐部提供世界级的小镇高尔夫体验,该俱乐部拥有悠久的历史,是高尔夫球场文化、社区和珀塞尔学校校园独特性的核心。

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