Part one in a two-part series on the proposed Purcell Collegiate International School.Mayor Don McCormick (center left) and PIE President Duncan MacLeod (Center right) meeting with investors and officials in China this past week. (Mayor McCormick file).Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick and President of Purcell International Education (PIE), Duncan McLeod, arrived in Kimberley last night after a week in China to meet with investors for a proposed full-time international education school in Kimberley. PIE’s goal is to open the campus in 2020.“We went to China to promote and educate on the model, which is new and different for international education as it exists in B.C., and as an opportunity for Chinese students,” said MacLeod. “A world class independent school in a small town is a new idea.”He...
发布时间: 2018 - 10 - 16
(Courtesy: City of Kimberley)Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick and Purcell International Education (PIE) are off to China Thursday to seek investment into a world-class boarding school in Kimberley.McCormick and PIE are hoping to secure $50 million for the school which will have about 450 students and over 100 permanent staff.'I do have a trip to China to make some investor presentations with the folks that are looking to put the International Student School here in Kimberley,' McCormick told Summit 107. 'One of the partners is Chinese who is looking to put the school here and we're going to have some B.C. trade people along with us to help out.'Duncan MacLeod, President of PIE previously told Summit 107 that the vision for the school is for it to be dorm-based and include ...
发布时间: 2018 - 10 - 08
珀赛尔大学学院(Purcell Collegiate Academy)是位于加拿大BC省金伯利市的寄宿制独立中学,提供7-12年级加拿大BC省课程体系课程。招收学生以(1)来自加拿大及美国顶级冰球运动员,常春藤大学给予奖学金吸纳的特招生;(2)追求学术卓越、以升读世界一流大学为目标的中国国际生;(3)来自德国、西班牙、巴西、墨西哥等欧美国家的优质学生。学校亮点:√  贵族学校冰球队认证资质:与加拿大圣乔治学校、西范学院、圣尼干湖学院、圣母学院、巴尔摩洛学校等贵族学校相同的冰球队资质认证√  当地社区开展的国际教育活动在加拿大历史悠久√   安全、友好的社区,几乎没有犯罪问题√  天气良好,全年日照超过300天√  几乎100%的纯英文语言环境√   位于世界著名的落基山脉风景区温暖一面,旅游胜地√   较低的生活成本、积极健康的生活方式和高薪就业机会,吸引大批青年创新型、骨干优秀加拿大教师到这里定居、任教√  距国际机场(加拿大洛基山国际机场 - YXC)仅15分钟路程PCA已于2018年合并Kimberley Academy (KA) ,为K-12学生提供世界顶级的冰球训练课程。Kimberley Academy (KA) enrolls students from British Columbia, elsewhere in Canada, and the USA in youth sport programs that combine training, competition, and scholarship at the middle and high school levels. Current programs include girls’ hocke...
发布时间: 2018 - 08 - 21
经过3年多的计划和准备,金伯利市政厅正式批准珀塞尔与安侨集团BC省独立学校方案,该项目同时也得到了BC省政府主要投资办公室(BC government’s Major Investment Office)的全力支持。金伯利市长Mr. Don McCormic与AQG学校的校址将建在加拿大金伯利高尔夫俱乐部上面,金伯利高尔夫俱乐部的总裁(红衣)Mr.Ron Christensen 、前总裁Mr.John Burrell、高尔夫教练Mr.Simon Jones , 课程总监Mr.Tim Foley将支持我们这项国际教育项目的展开。独立学校里的学生将会得到金伯利高尔夫俱乐部(Kimberley Golf Club) 2级认证的TPI教练Simon Jones先生、BC省自由式滑雪董事会主席兼金伯利滑雪学院自由式滑雪教练Adrian Taggart先生等专业教练、老师的指导。加拿大BC省国际学校简介 森林皇冠国际学校(FCIS)将位于加拿大BC省(以下简称“BC省”)金伯利市。 该学校将符合BC省教育部分类计划下的第4组独立学校的资格。 因此,大部分入学的学生必须来自不BC省以外的地区,依托于创始人Arthur Luk和Duncan MacLeod的专业知识和丰富经验,以及与开设美国及加拿大青年体育和奖学金项目金伯利学院(Kimberley Academy)之间重要战略合作伙伴关系。FCIS的学生除了加拿大本地学生之外,主要面向三类学生群体:1)来自中国的国际学生; 2)来自其他德国、瑞士、芬兰等欧美国家的国际学生; 3)参加金伯利学院国际级体育项目的加拿大和美国学生。金伯利学院(KA)招收来自BC省、加拿大其他地区和美国的学生,参加青少年体育项目,这些项目结合了中学和高中水平的培训、竞赛和奖学金项目。 目前的课程包括女子曲棍球(x30名学生),男子曲棍球(x15名学生)...
发布时间: 2018 - 07 - 19
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