A screenshot of the OCP map amendment, which can be seen in the agenda package from Monday, November 25, 2019, on the City of Kimberley website.
A proposed international boarding school is one step closer to becoming a reality in Kimberley after Council voted in favour of an Official Community Plan map amendment, changing the zoning on two sections of land.
Purcell International Education (PIE) proposes to build an international boarding school on Kimberley Golf Course and adjacent lands owned by Westcastle Developments. They came to Council asking for an OCP map amendment to allow for future planning and development of the campus.
At a regular meeting of Council on Monday, Council voted six to one in favour of the change, but not without some hesitation from Council members regarding plans going forward.
Council also held a public hearing on the matter, of which at least 20 members of the community attended.
A few community members voiced concerns about the proposed location acting as a wildlife corridor. Other concerns revolved around accessto the school, with traffic being the number one concern among residents who spoke at the public hearing. Others were also looking for a more detailed planin terms of what the school will look like, and wondered about supervision of the students.
Manager of Planning Services Troy Pollock explained that this is step one in a multi-step process, and simply allows for the land to be zoned ascommercial, which is necessary if the school is to eventually be built.
规划服务经理Troy Pollock解释说,为了学校最终建成,允许将土地划为商业用地只是必要程序中的第一步。
“The OCP amendment on its own will not authorize any physical changes to the lands,” Pollock said in his report to Council. “The details ofthe design and layout of facilities and infrastructure for the campus will be subject to further review and decision on future applications for zoning amendment, subdivision, development permits and building permits.”
“OCP修正案本身不会授权土地进行任何实质的改变,” Pollock在提交给市政厅的报告中说。“校园设施和基础设施的设计和布局的细节将受到进一步审查,并根据将来的区划修改,土地细分,开发许可和建筑许可的实行而做出最终决定。”
He adds that the proposed campus areas are in close proximity to existing infrastructure, allowing for easy access to utilities, pathway and road connections.
Tom Ristimaki of PIE was at the public hearing, stating that there will be a community information night in the near future, likely to take place on Thursday, December 5, 2019.
PIE的Tom Ristimaki在公开听证会上表示,在不久的将来会举行一个夜间社区信息分享会,暂定会议时间为2019年12月5日星期四。
“The business model is deliberately not competitive with the local school districts. We care about the kids, the environment, and the community we live in. We also care about the community’s quality of life. We are very careful and intentional about who we work with,” he said. “This is an important step forward in the process for us tonight, and there will be many more opportunities to discuss the specifics going forward.”
Councillor Kent Goodwin said, stating that this OCP change will show commitment from the community.
议员Kent Goodwin表示,OCP的这一改变将展现社区的承诺。
Councillor Sandra Roberts agreed that this is the first step in an ongoing process.
议员Sandra Roberts同意这是持续进行程序的第一步。
“We need to take this next step to allow for future plans. [PIE]needs to know what they are planning on. It’s not a big step with the OCP,” she said.
Mayor Don McCormick was the last to speak on the matter,agreeing that there is a lot of work ahead for both PIE and City staff before the school is built.
市长Don McCormick是最后一个就此事发表讲话的人,他同意PIE和市政人员在学校建成之前还有很多工作要做。
“The OCP is the highest level change and most simple change. No organization will invest unless they know the community is supportive with the land use,” McCormick said. “There are three or four layers cascading down from here with higher and higher levels of detail.
“We all need to have patience with the process; details will become more clear and we will continue to make informed decisions going forward.”
Kimberley Bulletin