
日期: 2019-11-06
发表于: 2019-11-06


Past and present board members from Kimberley Golf Club are pictured signing an agreement with Purcell International Education in May of 2019. Pictured from left to right (bottom) Duncan MacLeod,President of Purcell International Education, Ron Christensen, President of the Board of Directors at KGC, Ron Osterkampf, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Top) John Burrell, past Board Member at KGC, Simon Jones,Director of Golf at KGC, Anne Wright, past Board Member at KGC, Derek Baker,Financial Secretary at KGC and Bob Mclean, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Corey Bullock/Kimberley Bulletin file).

图为金伯利高尔夫俱乐部(KGC)的前任和现任董事会成员,于2019年5月与珀塞尔国际教育有限公司签署了一项协议。图从左至右(下)分别是珀塞尔国际教育总裁Duncan MacLeod, KGC董事会主席Ron Christensen, KGC董事会副主席Ron Osterkampf。(上)前KGC董事John Burrell, KGC高尔夫负责人Simon Jones,前KGC董事Anne Wright,KGC财务秘书Derek Baker, KGC董事会副主席Bob Mclean。

Purcell International Education (PIE) has requested an amendment of the City of Kimberley’s Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw 2600 to allow for the future planning and development of an international boarding school campus.


The amendment was brought forward at a regular Council meeting on Monday, October 28, 2019, where council voted to move ahead with first,second and third readings of the amendment. There will also be a public hearing on the OCP amendment, which is scheduled for Monday, November 25, 2019 at 7p.m. in Council chambers.


In a report to Council, Manager of Planning Services Troy Pollock explained that the planning and development of the campus is currently proposed in two phases.

规划服务经理Troy Pollock 在向市议厅提交的报告中解释说,校园的规划和开发目前分为两个阶段。

“Phase one is proposed to be situated on lands south of Highway 95A between Mark Creek and Kimberley Golf Course comprising approximately 2.1hectares (5 acres),” wrote Pollock. “The phase one subject lands [are] owned by Westcastle Developments and the adjacent unimproved portions of roadright-of-ways.”

 “第一阶段位是于95A公路以南,马克克里克和金伯利高尔夫球场之间,占地约2.1公顷(5英亩)。”Pollock写道:。“第一阶段的主体土地是属于Westcastle 开发项目和附近未改善的道路通行权部分。”

He adds that phase two is proposed to be situated on a portionof the Kimberley Golf Course lands comprising approximately 8.4 hectares (20 acres).



前排从左到右:KGC董事会副主席Ron Osterkampf;珀塞尔国际教育总裁、Purcell Collegiate联合创始人Duncan MacLeod;KGC财务秘书Derek Baker

后排从左到右:Purcell Collegiate联合创始人Wendy Ng;AQG安侨教育CEO、Purcell Collegiate联合创始人Arthur Luk;珀塞尔国际教育学术部负责人Tom Ristimaki;安侨集团董事Tat Ki Chow

“PIE has accepted an offer to purchase the lands from the Kimberley Golf Club and the Club has authorized this application to proceed prior to completion of the sale.

“ PIE已接受从金伯利高尔夫俱乐部的土地收购建议,该俱乐部已授权在完成出售之前进行该项申请。

The phase two subject lands include [a] portion of the golf course, numbers 6 to 9, and unimproved portions of adjacent road right-of-ways.


The purpose for the OCP amendment is to re-designate the phase one lands from residential to commercial, and re-designate the phase two lands from parks, recreation and open space to commercial.


Pollock adds that the proposed school is a for-profit entity that will qualify as a Group 4 Independent School under the BC Ministry of Education classification scheme.


“The overall campus is anticipated to include a range off acilities including school buildings, student housing, outdoor learning spaces, shared living/dining/study spaces and sports facilities,” said Pollock.“Phase one is anticipated to include school and accommodation facilities for 150 to 300 students. Phase two is anticipated to include additional facilities to support growth of up to an additional 300 students.”



Mayor Don McCormick says that there are several layers of permitting that Council will have to consider before the project can officially move forward and that the OCP is a high-level document, or the first stage ofthe process. Some of the other types of permitting that will likely come upinclude development permits, variance permits, zoning amendments and overall design review.

市长Don McCormick表示,在项目正式推进之前,市政委员会必须考虑几个层面的许可,OCP是一份高层文件,或者说这个过程的第一阶段。其他类型的许可可能包括开发许可、差异许可、分区修订和总体设计审查。

“The OCP is our guideline, nothing is set in stone. We have to amend the OCP many times throughout the year to accommodate projects that comeup and don’t fit with what was outlined originally,” McCormick explained.

“OCP是我们的指导方针,没有什么是一成不变的。我们不得不在一年中多次修改OCP,以适应即将出现的与最初概述的项目不符的项目。”McCormick 解释说。

Pollock says that the next step is for the public hearing to take place, after which the proposed bylaw amendment will see the final vote from Council.


“One of the things we [Council] grapple with at the highestlevel is residents who feel they are impacted by a particular decision; theywant details that aren’t yet available,” said McCormick.


He adds that proponents typically will not go to the design stage without first knowing if a bylaw or zoning amendment will be approved.


“We look forward to the next stage,” the Mayor said.



PIE intends to develop a “world-class international boarding school” which will employ BC certified teachers and teach the standard BC curriculum for grades 7 to 12, while also offering specialized courses such as outdoor education, robotics, forensic science, entrepreneurship, etc..


Purcell Collegiate will attract and enroll students from three primary streams:

Purcell Collegiate将吸引并招收来自三个主要流派的学生:

1. Competitive high-level athletes (mostly Canadian and American) seeking specialized training, a more flexible timetable, and sports-related post-secondary scholarship opportunities;

1. 寻求专业训练,更灵活的时间表以及与体育有关的高等教育奖学金机会的竞技高水平运动员(主要来自加拿大和美国);

2.Graduation-track international students seeking an immersive multi-year(English only) educational experience and a BC high school transcript/diplomaas a well-regarded admissions pathway to prestigious North American universities;

2. 在毕业道路上的国际学生,他们希望获得沉浸式的多年学习经验(仅英语),并拥有BC省高中成绩单/文凭,这是备受推崇的进入北美著名大学的入学途径;

3. Short-term(5-10 month) international students from around the world seeking a boarding school experience that offers strong academics, unique electives andworld-class recreation in a small-town setting.


“The business model has been deliberately designed to complement the local public school system and highly successful Rocky Mountain International Student Program(RMISP), which benefits students, families and businesses throughout ourregion,” said Duncan. “We all care deeply about Kimberley and want this community to thrive, which is why we want to build this extraordinary school here.”

“我们精心设计的商业模式,以补充当地的公立学校系统和非常成功的落基山国际学生项目(RMISP),该项目使我们地区的学生,家庭和企业受益,”Duncan说道。 “我们都非常关心金伯利,并希望这个社区蓬勃发展,这就是为什么我们要在这里建立这所非凡的学校的原因。”


Kimberley Bulletin


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