Rimbey high school students have recently enjoyed a visit from students from Hong King and Guangzhou, China, who have come to Wolf Creek Schools as part of a cultural exchange.
A total of 24 students from China are visiting families attending Wolf Creek Schools, four of whom are from from Rimbey.
The trip to Canada is a reciprocal trip for the Chinese students.
Robyn MacEachern, a teacher from Rimbey who has been involved in the Wolf Creek International Learning Program,said the program was initiated in Wolf Creek Schools due to responses from a survey that went out two years ago.
“A lot of people wanted to see travel and cultural exchange,” she said.
Felix Cheng, 13, and in Grade 8 visited Rimbey School last week.
The young boy has a good command of the English language and seems quite at home in this country.
He said he enjoys the fact that students in Wolf Creek are more active and more creative than what he is used to.
“In China, everything is for tests,” he said.
He has enjoyed Canadian food such as poutine, ribs and beef steak and found food items to be delicious.
He has also gone skating and found it “fun.”
“I was excited to see snow,” he said. “It’s beautiful.”
Fourteen-year-old Yoyo Cai is also enjoying Canada.
“I love the beautiful snow,” she said. “I want to come back.”
Jenaya Roseboom and her family are hosting Yoyo Cai while she in Canada.
Roseboom, a 17-year-old Grade 12 student in Rimbey went to China this spring.
She enjoyed the experience.
“I loved it,” she said, although she noted it seemed like the Chinese students were always at school and they don’t have shop classes.
“It is a different world, right by the ocean. I loved their food.”