A map highlighting the area a private school is intending to be built on (Supplied by the City of Kimberley)Purcell International Education addressed attendees of a question and answer session and feel as though concerns may have been cleared up surrounding a proposed private school with a focus on elite athletics in Marysville.Members of the public attended an information session on Thursday night to ask PIE questions about the planned campus.“The community is supportive, and community members have offered suggestions and ideas,” said PIE President Duncan Macleod. “The collaborative potential of something like this is limitless. The more people that come forward with great ideas, the better the projects is going to be when it’s realized.”According to Macleod, the budget for phase one of t...
浏览次数: 119
更新日期: 2019 - 12 - 09
A screenshot of the OCP map amendment, which can be seen in the agenda package from Monday, November 25, 2019, on the City of Kimberley website.金伯利市政厅的网站上公布了2019年11月25日的会议议程,议程中包含OCP土地成分修正案的截图。A proposed international boarding school is one step closer to becoming a reality in Kimberley after Council voted in favour of an Official Community Plan map amendment, changing the zoning on two sections of land.金伯利市政厅投票通过了一项官方社区规划修正案,改变了两块土地的用途,这意味着拟议中的国际寄宿学校离成为现实更近一步。Purcell International Education (PIE) proposes to build an international boarding school on Kimberley Golf Course and adjacent lands owned by Westcastle Developments. They came to Council asking for an OCP map amendment to allow for future planning and development of the campus.珀塞尔国际教育(PIE)提议在金伯利高尔夫球场和韦斯特城堡开发公司拥有的邻近土地上建立一所国际寄宿学校。他们来到...
浏览次数: 97
更新日期: 2019 - 11 - 28
Front row, right: Wolf Creek Public Schools superintendent signs an MOU with Chinese education officials in Guangzhou, China. (Wolf Creek Public Schools)As many as 30 students from Guangzhou, China are expected to visit Lacombe for a two-week cultural and educational exchange this July.It will be the first exchange resulting from an agreement between Wolf Creek Public Schools and the Liwan Bureau of Education signed last week in China.WCPS superintendent Jayson Lovell was part of the Canadian delegation that attended and says Chinese education officials were eager to work with Canadian counter...
发布时间: 2018 - 03 - 29
On March 19th, 2018, Superintendent Lovell, Assistant Superintendent McWhinnie and Director Lougheed travelled to Guangzhou, China to sign a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The “One Belt, One Road Education Initiative” between Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, and the Province of Alberta, establishes a new pathway for Wolf Creek Public Schools, under a Memorandum of Understanding on Education Exchange and Cooperation. Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) is the first Alberta K-12 school district to formally sign an MOU with the Guangdong Region in China.The ceremony was held in Gua...
发布时间: 2018 - 03 - 27
At the January 25, 2018 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees directed Superintendent Lovell to pursue a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Wolf Creek Public Schools and Li Wan Education Bureau, Guangzhou, China to create opportunities for cultural and educational experiences for Wolf Creek and Liwan, Guangzhou, China high school students.Board with delegates from Guangdon AQG Education Consulting Ltd. and Purcell International Education“Wolf Creek is extremely proud to be the first K-12 school district in Alberta to activate and pursue a formal MOU with a K-12 school district from Guang...
发布时间: 2018 - 01 - 29
5月15日上午,加拿大BC省首批学生大使赴穗交流欢迎仪式在广州市八一实验学校南校区隆重举行。广东省教育厅王创副厅长、李金俊处长,广州市教育局陈跃红副巡视员、戴秀文调研员,越秀区教育局陈军局长、廖东副局长,加拿大落基山教育局国际教育负责人邓肯.麦克劳德先生等领导出席了仪式。加拿大落基山教育局的19名师生、华侨外国语学校、育才中学、第17中学等中方接待学校的校领导及师生参加了仪式。欢迎仪式由八一实验学校申东红校长主持。         欢迎会场上鲜花吐艳,国旗飘扬。上午十点,欢迎仪式准时开始。越秀区教育局陈军局长首先作了热情洋溢的致辞。他引用孔子的名言“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”来表示对加拿大朋友的热烈的欢迎。他说,本次中加双方首次开展学生交流活动,具有里程碑式的意义,将成为我区教育国际交流和合作的新平台、新载体,为越秀区的教育发展注入新的元素,进一步增强我区教育的综合竞争力,并祝愿加拿大BC省的同学们能学得开心,有所收获。         广东省教育厅王创副厅长在致辞中,热烈欢迎从加拿大远道而来的师生们。他说,广东省与加拿大BC省结为友好省州二十多年,在多个领域交流合作密切,其中教育领域合作一直非常活跃。今天迎来了广东BC省首批学生大使来粤访问交流,这是两省合作的里程碑,标志着两省州合作又迈向了一个新台阶。...
发布时间: 2017 - 05 - 23
Hot News / 热点新闻
2023 - 03 - 07
点击次数: 92
什么是加拿大BC省企业家移民?卑诗省提名项目(BC PNP)企业家移民(EI)是为希望移民到卑诗省建立企业以支持该省创新和经济增长的国际企业家提供的一种方式。企业家移民是一个“临时到永久”的移民途径。这意味着如果你被批准了,你将首先以临时居民的身份来到不列颠哥伦比亚省,然后在你成功创业后申请永久居留。区域试点项目区域试点项目属于BC省企业家移民的其中一项。不列颠哥伦比亚省欢迎来自世界各地的企业家来...
2023 - 02 - 02
点击次数: 39
学校概览西北中学(The Northwest School,NWS)成立于1980年,包括初中和高中(6-12年级),学生人数约450人。西北中学位于西雅图市中心,提供独特的大学预科体验,蓬勃发展的艺术和体育项目,和友善与充满协助的生活环境。学校作为一个充满活力的知识分子社区在全国享有盛誉,并被美国教育部认定为卓越的蓝丝带学校。西北中学是西雅图唯一一所男女同校的国际寄宿学校。优越的地理位置让国际学...
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