在欢迎仪式上,加拿大BC省省议员(MLA)道格·克拉维克先生(Mr.Doug Clovechock),落基山教育局董事会成员罗斯玛丽·奥克斯女士(Ms. Rosemary Oaks)和丹尼·尼德先生(Mr.Denny Neider)、落基山教育局局长保罗·卡里尔先生(Mr. Paul Carriere),姐妹学校所在社区因弗米尔市市长格里·塔夫托先生(Mr.Gerry Taft),落基山教育局国际部负责人艾米·苏普女士(Ms.Amy Shoup),加拿大BC省及艾伯塔省教育局特使邓肯•麦克劳德先生(Mr. Duncan MacLeod)、育才中学姐妹学校戴维汤普森中学校长达伦•丹尼鲁校长(Mr.Darren Danyluk)等人出席了欢迎仪式,热烈欢迎来自姐妹教育局姐妹学校的育才中学师生的到来。学生们与议员和市长亲切交流,这对学生们了解加拿大文化是一次绝佳的机会。
加拿大BC省省议员(MLA)道格·克拉维克先生(Mr.Doug Clovechock)代表BC省政府致辞欢迎我校师生的到来。他讲述了国际教育对于当代年轻人的重要性,并希望在座的学生通过1个月的学习体验将会学到如何在存在文化壁垒情况下与人沟通,学会挑战,并寻找消除壁垒的方法。最后表示这个项目鼓励学生发展独立思维、果敢决断、超越既定的人生愿望清单,大胆尝试新目标。
加拿大BC省省议员(MLA)道格·克拉维克先生(Mr.Doug Clovechock)在官方FACEBOOK上还表示学生们将体验加拿大文化同时提高自身的英语水平
落基山教育局局长保罗·卡里尔先生(Mr. Paul Carriere)代表落基山教育局董事会致辞欢迎育才中学师生们来到因弗米尔和戴维汤普森中学。
保罗先生最后鼓励学生们多提问,并尽可能地学习。 并祝愿学生们有最好的体验,也期待着听到来自学生们的所有反馈!
Good morning.
I bring warm greetings to everyone present this morning for this special ceremony to welcome our guests from Yucai Middle School in Guangzhou, in beautiful Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China. I am honoured to make this welcome on behalf of the Board of Education of Rocky Mountain School District, and I am especially honoured to introduce two Trustees from the Board who are able to be with us this morning, Trustee Rosemary Oaks, and Trustee Denny Neider. Trustees are members of our local community who are elected every four years to govern local education programs. Altogether, we have nine Trustees in Rocky Mountain School District. On behalf of the Board I would also like to thank our Mayor, his worship Gerry Taft, and our MLA, the honourable Doug Clovechok for joining us.
Students of Yucai Middle School and your Teacher(s), welcome to Invermere, and to David Thompson Secondary School! Your visit with us for the next four weeks has been made possible by a historic agreement between Rocky Mountain School District and Yuexiu Education Bureau. Some of our students have visited your district, and we have had large groups from Yuexiu here in the summer. Now, we are very pleased to have you here as our guests, during the regular school year. Students, I hope that you enjoy attending classes with your DTSS “buddies” and that you become more confident in your English speaking skills. I understand you will also do some downhill skiing, visit the Banff area, and take some exciting trips to Calgary and Edmonton, as well as other activities.
You have studied English in school for many years. Now you have a chance to practice with your Canadian hosts. I encourage you to ask questions, and learn all you can. I wish you the very best experience, and I look forward to hearing all about it!
Enjoy your visit with us, and my best wishes to all of you.
因弗米尔市市长格里塔夫托先生(Mr.Gerry Taft)代表当地社区因弗米尔致辞欢迎育才中学师生来到因弗米尔,他简单的对因弗米尔作了介绍,并表示对因弗米尔友善和美丽的环境而自豪,请师生们享受在因弗米尔的时光。
"WELCOME TO INVERMERE! Compared to many areas of the world, Invermere is a young town, and a small town. Invermere became a town in 1951- and only has about 3,200 residents- less then the number of students in your school!
We pride ourselves on being friendly, and having a beautiful environment!
Please enjoy your time here- and know that you are very happy to have you here.
加拿大BC省及艾伯塔省教育局特使邓肯•麦克劳德先生(Mr. Duncan MacLeod)在致辞中表示在国际交往日益频繁、全球时空差距不断缩小的时代,如浸入式体验学习等交流活动为中加学生创造缔结友谊机会、架通中加文化沟通桥梁、激发合作精神和同胞般的情谊。他还回顾了在备忘录框架下落基山教育局与越秀区教育局的交流活动,并表示此次交流活动是有史以来第一次为戴维汤普森中学的姐妹学校、育才中学的学生提供为期一个月的浸入式项目。
Good morning, everyone. I bring greetings from China on behalf of GuangDong AQG Education Science and Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. and its President, Arthur Luk. As many of you in attendance know, AQG is the education consultancy that created the connection and guided the process that culminated on May 24, 2016 when School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) and Yuexiu Education Bureau made history by signing the first Memorandum of Understanding between local education authorities under the umbrella of the MOU between the British Columbia Ministries of Education and Advance Education and the Guangdong Department of Education and the province-to-province MOU between British Columbia and Guangdong.
Educational experiences like the one we are inaugurating today speak to the exciting potential of MOUs between education systems: they can create connections between students, build bridges between cultures, and inspire collaboration and comradery among a generation that will share in and shape the future of an ever-shrinking planet. To date, this MOU has resulted in two summer programs for Yuexiu Education Bureau students hosted by the Rocky Mountain International Student Program in Kimberley; over 30 “Experience Program” students from Yuexiu Education Bureau who have attended schools in Kimberley, Invermere, Golden, and Revelstoke for periods of five months in regular classes; two short-term program for School District 6 students in Guangzhou; and now the first-ever one-month program for students from Yucai Middle School at its sister school, DTSS.
I would like to thank the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and the British Columbia Ministry of Education for their support of this MOU and the unique opportunities it affords. I would also like to thank Principal Darren Danyluk, the amazing staff at DTSS, and all the buddy students for their incredible support of this ground-breaking program; and Lori Sluth, Amy Shoup, and the amazing team at RMISP for their efforts and enthusiasm in organizing this experience for the students from Yucai Middle School.
To the students from Yucai Middle School: enjoy your stay, learn from your experience, and when you return to China do so knowing you will always have a home away from home in Invermere and at DTSS.
落基山教育局国际部负责人艾米·苏普女士(Ms.Amy Shoup)代表落基山教育局国际部欢迎育才中学师生们来到美丽的因弗米尔和戴维汤普森中学,并表示这里的人非常友善,非常乐于助人、非常热情,落基山脉拥有令人敬畏惊叹的美丽风景,人们会对你的故事感到好奇,请随时准备分享你的故事。最重要的是,在这里享受你的时间,并把自己当做是加拿大的一份子。
戴维汤普森中学校长达伦•丹尼鲁校长(Mr.Darren Danyluk)代表戴维汤普森中学也对育才中学师生表示最热烈的欢迎,他提到了3月份与育才中学签订姐妹学校合作备忘录,并到访育才中学,育才中学师生的热情好客让他感到温暖,他很高兴与姐妹学校师生分享加拿大当地美丽的山谷生活。他还表示他离开中国时已迫不及待期待日后的再访,并相信师生们离开因弗米尔时会有相似的感受。这是中加双方关系的重点:为我们的未来发展建立双方人民与文化之间丰富紧密的联系。
王丽莉老师与戴维汤普森中学校长达伦•丹尼鲁校长(Mr.Darren Danyluk)交换礼物
在欢迎仪式上,同学们见到了他们的class buddies课程伙伴。加拿大当地学生对于此次作为一对一匹配的课程伙伴报名非常积极,都想热情招待来自姐妹学校育才中学的同学,在课堂上共同学习,深入交流,带领来自中国广州的朋友体验加拿大真正的课堂、文化和生活。他们都是经过落基山教育局以及姐妹学校戴维汤普森中学的综合评估和筛选出来的优秀学生。
进入加拿大不到一周,育才中学学生即受邀在当地社区进行了长笛的公开表演,教育局的Lori老师称同学们是“True Inspiration”