2019年3月,在广东省教育厅和艾伯塔省教育部签署的教育交流合作谅解备忘录框架下,艾伯塔省历史最庞大K12教育代表团到访广东省广州市。加拿大艾伯塔省教育代表团学生代表Emily Mueller在欢迎仪式上发表感言:
作者:加拿大艾伯塔省教育代表团学生代表,Emily Mueller
就读学校:加拿大狼溪教育局属下拉科姆综合中学(Lacombe Composite High School)
On behalf of our delegation from the Wolf Creek International Learning Program, I would like to recognize our distinguished leaders, honoured guests, friends and classmates as we come together to learn from and share one another's experiences. We would like to thank the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau,the Liwan Education Bureau, Yuexiu Education Bureau, Wolf Creek Public Schools,Guangzhou No.2 High School and all schools represented here today.
Together we are all witnesses to this historic event where students from Guangdong Province can come together with the Province of Alberta to share the sememorable experiences. We are grateful for the AQG Education Science and Technology Company and the AQG staff for their hard work and dedication in making the arrangements. We also express thanks to all our homestay families who have been gracious enough to bring us into their homes and make this trip even more memorable, as well as all of our parents and teachers who haveallowed us, and encouraged us on this incredible journey.
This past summer we were given the opportunity to host 65 students from China for 3 weeks in Alberta and currently have 15 students in our community for the upcoming 5 months. This summer our Wolf Creek students and 65 Chinese students had unforgettable experiences, from taking robotics classes to experiencing and sharing cultural and local experiences across Alberta. Since last March 150 students and staff from Canada and China have been directly involved in this new MOU partnership asparticipants or ambassadors.
Recently we welcomed 15 students for a five month stay in the Wolf Creek International Learning Program. Now, 24 students and 11 school leaders from Wolf Creek Public Schools have arrived in Guangzhou. Since our arrival here in recent days, we can only begin to understand the differences those students coming from China faced when they arrived in Alberta; much like the ones we faced arriving in China. Our experiences in the past few days have illustrated how everything can be so different from home:the food, the weather, the language, the architecture. Yet we could not be more appreciative of this opportunity we have been given.
From the moment we arrived in Guangzhou the students and their teachers have been so open to learning and sharing new ways of thinking with our student and leader delegation. During our time in Guangzhou we are being welcomed in 10 schools where we will experience cultural exchanges and shared STEM learning opportunities with both students and teachers. We know we can learn from each other through these powerful learning experiences.
As a result, we have come to know and love both Chinese and Canadian cultures more deeply, appreciating what our different traditions offer, and respecting the value of traditions and ways of life that at times are very similar, and atother times, very different.
Through our host family experiences were given the opportunity to live within the home of a Chinese family, who taught us things from cooking, to family customs andrituals, to weaving in and out of lanes while driving. Our host family experiences have forever changed our lives in ways we could not have imagined. Thewords, “Thank you” for everything they did for us, do not seem like enough to express how truly grateful we are for the way they opened up their home and their hearts to welcome us in.
Through this experience we have been able to share in cultures and as a result we have been able to offer and receive immeasurable gifts in return. For many of us this experience opens up doors to experiencing new cultures again in the future. Upon our return home we will continue to be strong ambassadors for this Chinese-Canadian partnership and we will continue to build connections with students from China in Wolf Creek and future students who travel between our countries for these learning experiences.
We offer our sincere thanks to all of those that have helped us learn about ourselves by sharing so willingly of themselves. We humbly hope that we have also been able to return this gift, at least in part, through our time in China. Thank you.