
日期: 2019-12-18
浏览次数: 141
发表于: 2019-12-18
浏览次数: 141


When Shane Anderson graduated from Rimbey High School in 2004 he certainly didn’t have a crystal ball to peer into his future.

当Shane Anderson 2004年毕业于狼溪教育局属下学校林比高中(Rimbey High School)时,他当然没有水晶球可以窥见他的未来。

He probably would have been more than a little surprised if he did.


Anderson recently graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School. Presently he is in Boston studying for his bar exam.


Sitting among the crowd at the graduation ceremony was Anderson’s mother Roxanne Anderson and his grandmother Evelyn Schrader from Rimbey.

在毕业典礼上,坐在人群中的是来自Rimbey的Anderson的母亲Roxanne Anderson和他的祖母的Evelyn Schrader。

It goes without saying, both women were very proud of their young man.


“I cried, I laughed, yes, I am extremely proud,” said his mom,who is a Grade 2 teacher at Bluffton.


In a telephone interview, Anderson reflected on growing up in Rimbey and the chain of events that led a small town boy to eventually study in the hallowed halls of an Ivy League university such Harvard.

在电话采访中, Anderson反思了在Rimbey的成长以及一系列事件,这些事件促使一个小镇男孩最终在哈佛大学这常春藤盟校的圣殿中学习。


Anderson put down roots in Rimbey, living in a house on 47th Street with his siblings and parents, while his grandparents and an uncle lived close by. He remembers spending many hours at his grandparents’ home on days his parents left early for work.


As a teen his tastes were somewhat unconventional and, one day,after stumbling upon some Japanese music online, he decided he wanted to learn the language.


And so he did. 


“I was into electronic music back then. And I heart an artist with music that was an interesting combination of electronic and pop. After listening to that music I really wanted to learn the language so I decided to teach it to myself.


“I didn’t have any grandiose plan. In fact, when I was in Grade11, I was worried about what I would be doing in the future. What if I don’t get accepted into university?”


After graduating second in his class from Rimbey high school,Anderson went on to the University of Calgary graduating with distinction with a degree in electrical engineering.

从林比高中以全班第二名的成绩毕业后, Anderson去了卡尔加里大学,并以优异的成绩获得了电气工程学位。

He worked in Japan and Calgary doing engineering for several years and also traveled to Japan where he taught English.


While Anderson enjoyed the career path he had embarked on, he knew in his heart he wanted something more. Never one to settle for second best, he decided to pursue another career dream.


He applied to multiple schools including Harvard Law School and the University of Toronto to study law.


He received an email notifying him that he had been accepted at Harvard while flying to his brother’s home in Calgary for Christmas just over three years ago.


“I was somewhat surprised, myself, (at being accepted into Harvard)” he said. “There is a misconception out there that only the privilegedget in.”


Attending Harvard University has been an interesting and challenging experience.


“It is a challenging environment. You are among driven and very bright people and there is a lot of pressure to perform well.”


Anderson has not only fit in well at Harvard, he has excelled.And now with his graduating degree in hand, he is ready to move on.


He still doesn’t have a crystal ball to foresee the future, buton the other hand, his Harvard law degree has opened new doors for him offer ingendless possibilities. He has already been hired by Ropes & Gray LLP, aprestigious law firm which has offices all over the world including Palo Altoin Silicon Valley, California and Tokyo. Because of their connections, he couldfind himself back in Japan or he could spend time in the beautiful state of California.

他仍然没有水晶球可以预见未来,但另一方面,他的哈佛法学学位为他提供了无限可能的新机会。他已经被著名的律师事务所Ropes&Gray LLP聘用,该事务所在世界各地设有办事处,包括硅谷,加利福尼亚和东京。由于这些联系,他可以回到日本,也可以在美丽的加利福尼亚州度过。

Despite his personal successes, Anderson remains humble andgrateful for the way his life has transpired.


Enjoying the moment, staying engaged and interested andfollowing his passion has helped him along his career path so far.


No doubt, these traits will continue to be his trademarks as hecontinues his journey.



Rimbey Review


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