
日期: 2019-10-28
浏览次数: 105
发表于: 2019-10-28
浏览次数: 105


VIETNAMESE NATIONAL Emmy Tran considered several countries when researching universities to pursue her undergraduate degree. But among the countries she considered –Australia, the U.S. and England – one country stood out to her the most: Canada.

越南籍学生Emmy Tran在选择大学攻读本科学位时考虑了多个国家、对多个大学进行了研究。在她考虑过的国家(澳大利亚,美国和英国等)中,最吸引她的国家是加拿大。


'Being passionate about learning and getting exposed to different cultures, I figured that Canada would be a great place for this,' says Tran, who's in her third year of a Bachelor of Public Relations degree program at Conestoga College in Ontario.



In 2018, more than 720,000 international students at all levels studied in Canada, marking the largest number ever, according to the Canadian government.



'Canada is known as a stable, open, safe and welcoming country. Its policy of multiculturalism and pursuit of diversity makes sense to foreign students coming in from far off lands,' Andy J. Semotiuk, a U.S. and Canadian immigration lawyer and director of immigration at Pace Law Firm in Ontario,wrote in an email.

“作为一个国家,加拿大以稳定,开放,安全和热情闻名。加拿大的多元文化主义和追求多样性的政策对来自遥远地区的外国学生来说具积极意义,”美国和加拿大移民律师,安大略省佩斯律师事务所(Pace Law Firm)的移民负责人Andy J.Semotiuk在一封电子邮件中写道。

Here are three reasons prospective international students may want to consider Canada for an undergraduate or graduate degree:



  • Increased international student recruitment.


  • Expedited study permit, work and residency opportunities.


  • Scholarships.



Increased international student recruitment. The Canadian government is investing nearly 150 million Canadian dollars over five years for its new international education strategy, which includes stepping up international student recruitment.



'Canada recognizes a large majority of international students travel from India and China, and as such, has pledged nearly (CA)$30 million over the next five years alone to diversifying international recruitment efforts,' says Martin Basiri, co-founder and CEO of ApplyBoard, a Canada-based platform for international students to apply to North American high schools and colleges.

“加拿大政府明白,大多数国际学生来自印度和中国,因此,在未来五年内,政府承诺拨款近3000万加元,以加强国际生招募工作,” ApplyBoard平台联合创始人兼首席执行官马丁·巴西里(Martin Basiri)说道。ApplyBoard是一个网络平台,专供国际生申请北美的高中和大学。


Basiri says Canadais focusing primarily on countries with a large and growing middle class that may struggle to provide quality higher education to all students. Priority countries include Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Morocco, Turkey, France and Ukraine, according to a spokesperson from Global Affairs Canada, a government department that manages diplomatic relations.



Universities are doing their part too. Jock Phippen, director of student recruitment and admissions at York University, says the school has a number of regional managers with specific recruitment and admissions expertise in key markets including India, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and China.

加拿大大学也在进行努力。约克大学(York University)招生主管Jock Phippen表示,该学校在印度,中东,东南亚,非洲和中国等主要市场聘请了许多具备招生专业知识的区域负责人。


Ted Sargent, vice president, international at the University of Toronto, says last year theschool's recruiters visited more than 24 countries. He says about 23 percent ofthe school's undergraduates are international, come from 168 different countries and 'the total number of applications by international students to U of T has grown by 103% in the past five years.'

多伦多大学国际部副主管泰德·萨金特(Ted Sargent)表示,去年该校的招生人员访问了超过24个国家。他说,该校大约23%的本科生是国际学生,来自168个不同的国家,并且“过去5年,国际学生向多伦多大学递交的申请总数增加了103%”。


Expedited study permit, work and residency opportunities. Increased international student recruitment has led to opportunities for foreign students to work in Canada while they study and improved a graduate's chance of obtaining permanent residency.



Most international students need a study permit, which is different from a visa, to study in Canada. Originally launched by the Canadian government in 2018, the Student Direct Stream is a program that allows students from certain countries to get their study permit faster. Recently, it was expanded to include Senegal, Morocco and Pakistan.



'SDS has been successful in reducing processing times, with most applications from the initial group of countries – China, India, Philippines and Vietnam – finalized in less than three weeks,' a Global Affairs Canada spokesperson says.



Canada also allows international students to work while they study. Semotiuk says Canada's post graduation work permits are often two or three years in duration, depending on the length of time the student studied in the country.



In addition,Canada offers a clearer path compared with the U.S., for example, to permanent residence and ultimately citizenship, Semotiuk says. He says usually one year of postgrad work experience will qualify an international student to apply for permanent residence either under the Express Entry program's Canadian Experience Class or Federal Skilled Worker Program.



'Within a year that student acquires a permanent residence card. Then within three years,that student can become a Canadian citizen,' he says.


Scholarships. Scholarships can be hard to come by for international students around the world, particularly at the undergraduate level. But prospective students should be aware that Canada offers government-funded opportunities and scholarship funds from universities.



For example, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships program is funded by the government and open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and foreign citizens. The scholarships are worth CA$50,000 per year for three years during doctoral studies in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

例如,“ Vanier加拿大研究生奖学金”计划由政府资助,向加拿大公民,永久居民和外国公民开放。在社会科学和人文科学,自然科学和/或工程学和健康领域的博士研究期间,奖学金的金额为每年3万加元,为期三年。


The University of British Columbia makes available more than CA$30 million annually from non public sources to provide scholarships, awards, research grants and career development initiatives to outstanding international undergraduate students,according to Clare Hamilton-Eddy, a university spokeswoman.

据英属哥伦比亚大学发言人克莱尔·汉密尔顿·埃迪(Clare Hamilton-Eddy)称,英属哥伦比亚大学每年通过非公开招募来源的资金超过3000万加元,用于向杰出的国际本科生提供奖学金,奖励,研究补助金和职业发展基金。


York University awards several one-time undergraduate scholarships in the range of CA$5,000 toCA$15,000 to support international students in their first year of study. The school also offers competitive renewable scholarships that range from CA$20,000 to CA$35,000 a year to students who maintain high academic standing each year.

约克大学(York University)授予数个一次性的本科奖学金,金额从5,000加元到15,000加元不等,以支持国际学生第一年的学习。学校还为每年保持较高学术水平的学生提供竞争性奖学金,每年从20,000加元到35,000加元不等。


'These scholarships are awarded to applicants who demonstrate leadership through community service, or excellence in the arts, sport or in other areas of individual achievement,' says Janice Walls, a university spokeswoman.

“这些奖学金是颁发给热衷社区服务或在艺术,体育或其他个人成就领域表现卓越的领导者的申请者,”大学女发言人珍妮丝·沃尔斯(Janice Walls)说。


Sargent says the University of Toronto introduced the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships in 2017, which are available to international undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and cover tuition, books,incidental fees and full residence support for four years. 'There are 37 scholars each year, so we'll have nearly 150 by 2020,' he says.



Tran says she was offered a CA$2,000 scholarship to the University of Waterloo but ultimately chose Conestoga as a better fit for her. She says overall, she's been very pleased with her choices.



'Once I'm done with school, I plan on living and starting my career in Canada,' Transays.





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