Past and present board members from Kimberley Golf Club are pictured signing an agreement with Purcell International Education in May of 2019. Pictured from left to right (bottom) Duncan MacLeod,President of Purcell International Education, Ron Christensen, President of the Board of Directors at KGC, Ron Osterkampf, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Top) John Burrell, past Board Member at KGC, Simon Jones,Director of Golf at KGC, Anne Wright, past Board Member at KGC, Derek Baker,Financial Secretary at KGC and Bob Mclean, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Corey Bullock/Kimberley Bulletin file).图为金伯利高尔夫俱乐部(KGC)的前任和现任董事会成员,于2019年5月与珀塞尔国际教育有限公司签署了一项协议。图从左至右(下)分别是珀塞尔国际教育总裁Duncan MacLeod, KGC董事会主席Ron Christensen, KGC董事会副主席Ron Osterkampf。(上)前KGC董事John Burrell, KGC...