Okanagan College is on track to exceed its student enrolment targets for a 14th consecutive year.
Jim Hamilton likes what he sees: Steady student growth at Okanagan College.
吉姆·汉密尔顿喜欢他所看到的: 奥肯那根学院学生的稳定增长。
With campuses in Kelowna, Penticton, Vernonand Salmon Arm, and more than 120 certificates, degrees and diplomas available,Okanagan College is a popular post-secondary institution. So popular thatOkanagan College is hoping to surpass its enrollment targets for a 14thconsecutive year.
According to Okanagan College, when the the enrollment period for this fall semester ended in mid-September, there were 9,570 students registered. That’s up 13.3 per cent from 8,446 students a year ago.
“The numbers are encouraging,” said OC president Jim Hamilton. “But what’s really significant is that they tell us andthe community that we are helping more students pursue higher education.”
OC校长吉姆·汉密尔顿说:“这些数字令人鼓舞。但真正重要的是,这些数字告诉我们和社区, 奥肯那根学院正在帮助越来越多的学生接受高等教育。”
“The latest B.C. labour market projections show that by 2028, there will be 903,000 job openings that need to be filled in B.C.,” Hamilton said. “Eighty per cent of those jobs will require some form of higher education. That’s where we come in.”
In 2017-18, the college achieved 113 percent of its enrollment targets. The numbers for 2018-19 won’t be finalized until the end of the fiscal year, March 31.
Kelowna’s campus enrollment grew to 6,126 this fall compared to 5,330 last year, while Vernon’s student stats climbed to1,088 from 970. Penticton enrollment grew to 1,025 from 940 and Salmon Arm’sstudent numbers increased to 721 from 692. Students registered in distance education courses grew to 610 from 514.
Okanagan College has also seen growth inits international students, from 876 last year to 1,393 this fall, and domestic students, with 590 more students from Canada this fall than last fall.
加拿大BC省奥肯那根学院校长吉姆·汉密尔顿先生(Jim Hamilton)将于2018年11月19日-20日到访广州,安侨教育(AQG Education)作为奥肯那根学院中国区战略合作伙伴,对汉密尔顿校长的到来表示热烈欢迎,帮助协调与促进奥肯那根学院在广东省与BC省双向教育交流合作谅解备忘录框架下开展的合作项目。
Jim Hamilton, President, Okanagan College, BC, Canada
吉姆·汉密尔顿与奥肯那根学院有着悠久的联系。1980年,汉密尔顿在奥肯那根学院弗农分校教授英语,开始了自己的职业生涯。在成为校长之前,汉密尔顿积极参与学院事务,曾担任过奥肯那根大学和学院理事会成员、教职员和北奥肯那根地区院长。汉密尔顿也曾在第22教育局担任行政管理职务,并担任过董事会成员。他于2004年成为奥肯那根学院的院长,他的任期最近延长至2019年。目前,他担任BC省国际教育委员会主席。他还曾担任英属哥伦比亚贸易培训协会主席和BC省学院主席。此外,他还担任亚太门户技能董事会成员、不列颠哥伦比亚省招生和转学委员会成员,以及欧文·K·巴伯(Irving K. Barber)不列颠哥伦比亚省奖学金协会理事。他拥有女王大学的英国文学硕士学位。