Dear partners:
I know you are all being inundated with COV-19 information. This information is changing for us on a daily basis. I would like to express our gratitude for our strong partnerships and the trust that we have developed. Throughout this difficult time we have been so impressed with how accommodating and flexible all of our agents have been. On our end we are working tirelessly to make sure we continue to maximize our student’s experiences.
It is important to remind students of the need for social distancing at this time. Please refer to the following articles for guidelines on both social distancing and self-quarantining:
目前每一个人都被关于COV-19病毒的信息所淹没。 这些信息每天都在变化。首先我要感谢各位合作伙伴与我们建立的强大合作关系以及信任。在这个困难时期,所有合作伙伴展现的协调性和灵活性令我们印象深刻。 为此,我们会不懈努力,以确保我们继续最大程度地提高学生的体验。
目前非常重要的一点是,我们要提醒学生此时需要保持安全的社会距离。 请参阅以下文章,以了解有关社会安全距离和自我隔离的准则:
Government of Canada加拿大政府
BC Health Link BC省健康网站
What we know 已确认信息 | What is Unknown at this point 未确认信息 |
● If you are a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident or US Citizen and you come into Canada from the United States, you will be asked to quarantine for 14 days. ● 如果您是加拿大公民,永久居民或美国公民,并且从美国入境加拿大,政府将要求您隔离14天。 ● As of now Canadian Borders are closed. If you have left the country and are not a Canadian Citizen you cannot return to Canada. You must return to your home country. ● 目前,加拿大边境已关闭。 如果您离开了加拿大并且不是该国公民,将无法返回加拿大。 您必须返回自己的祖国。 | ● In other neighboring Provinces schools are extending and/or canceling the school year. We have not had information on this in BC. We will send out any new information as soon as we have it on potential school closures. ● 在其他邻近省份,学校正在延长和/或取消学年。 BC省尚暂未公布此类信息。 我们一旦收到有关关闭学校的任何信息,将马上更新。 ● Refunds: I will be addressing our board on this issue and will be sending you information on this shortly ● 退款:教育局董事将会讨论此事,并在短期内向家长提供最新信息 |
We understand that families may be anxious in regards to their children being far from them at this time. If you would like your children to return home, please do let us know as soon as possible.
We will keep you up-to-date with decisions and guidelines that come from the Ministry of Education and our School District that may affect school re-opening and learning alternatives Right now, in British Columbia we have not been given any direction on schools being closed for a prolonged period.
Attached to this update are letters from the Ministry of Health for British Columbia with some excellent links on all of these updates.
Thank you,
我们了解,孩子离家万里,家长不免担忧。 因此,如果您希望孩子们返回祖国,请尽快告知我们。
Faizel Rawji
Head of International Educaiton
Sea to Sky School District #48
加拿大BC 省第48 海天教育局
Purcell International Education Ltd.
地址:PO Box 8, Stn Main Kimberley, BC, Canada V1A 2Y5
电话:+1-250-427-6293 (加拿大 )
地址:中国广东广州市东风东路 767号东宝大厦 701-702房