我们与加拿大合作的留学生专用保险Guard.me Canada针对家长关心的保险问题,作出以下调整,请在加拿大留学的家长扩散转发:

Urgent Update from guard.me re: COVID-19
March 16, 2020
The safety of our Insureds is our number one priority. As the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, it is of utmost importance to us that we share updates around these changes and how they impact our Insureds. This is an unprecedented global event, with far-reaching implications. We understand this is a challenging time for you, and therefore, we wish to update you with regard to the coverage available under guard.me International and Global A and B policies.
被保险人的安全是我们的第一要务。 随着全球对COVID-19大流行的反应不断发展,对于我们而言,最重要的是,我们必须围绕这些变化以及它们如何影响被保险人分享最新信息。 这是前所未有的全球事件,影响深远。 我们了解到这对您来说是一个充满挑战的时刻,因此,我们希望根据guard.me国际以及全球A和B政策的适用范围,向您更新。
1. An Avoid Non-Essential Travel Outside of Canada Advisory was issued by the Canadian Government on March 13, 2020:
. This triggers the Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption benefit of Global Plan A only. Global B and International policy insureds do not have these benefits.
这仅触发全球计划A的行程取消/行程中断产生的受益。 全球B和国际保单投保人没有这些利益。
. Trip Cancellation benefits are available for those Global Plan A Insureds who purchased the policy prior to our already-established cut-off dates. (See notice posted to website March 5, 2020)
对于那些在我们已经确定的截止日期之前购买了保单的全球计划A受保人,可以享受旅行取消收益。 (请参见2020年3月5日发布在网站上的通知)
i. Trip Interruption benefits are now available for those Global Plan A out-of-country Insureds to return back to Canada, including return flights, up to the policy max. of $5,000.
a. Emergency medical benefits will continue for Insureds already out-of-country, including COVID-19.
b. Emergency medical benefits for COVID-19 are no longer in place for policies departing on March 13, 2020 or later. Please submit your request to cancel your policy, or for Global Plan A Insureds, please submit your claim for cancelling your trip and recovering eligible expenses not refunded by other providers (airline, school etc.) to guardmeclaims@oldrepublicgroup.com
对于2020年3月13日或更晚后,离开加拿大旅行的保单,COVID-19的紧急医疗福利不再适用。 请提交您的要求以取消您的保单,或者对于全球计划A被保险人,请提交您的要求以取消行程并收回未由其他提供者(航空公司、学校等)退还的合格费用,其信箱为guardmeclaims@oldrepublicgroup.com
c. There will be no further Outbound sales for at least the duration of the current travel advisory. This will be monitored, and we will advise once we are able to begin offering policies for Outbound travel again.
至少在当前加拿大政府旅行限制的持续时间内,将不再有对外销售出境保险。 我们将对此进行监控,一旦能够开始提供出境旅行政策,我们将告知您。
d. The provisions for automatic extensions outlined in your policy will apply for insureds who are delayed in returning to Canada due to limited flights despite making best efforts, and whose policy is expiring.
e. For Insureds wishing to stay at their location and continue their studies, this will be assessed on a case by case basis. Insureds whose policy is expiring and who request a policy extension will be issued a new policy and charged an additional premium. COVID-19 will continue to be covered under medical benefits in this scenario.
对于希望留在原处继续学习的被保险人,将逐案评估。 保单即将到期且要求延长保单期限的被保险人将被签发新保单并收取额外的保费。 在这种情况下,继续享受全部医疗福利(包含新冠肺炎医疗保险)。
2. The Security Evacuation benefit of the policy does not apply to this event.
For assistance with filing a Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption claim, please call:
· Toll free North America 1 877-640-9877
· or collect anywhere else in the world +1 (905) 667-2540
For emergency medical assistance while out-of-country, please call:
· Toll free North America 1 800-334-7787
· or collect anywhere else in the world +1 (905) 667 0587
•北美免费电话1 877-640-9877
•北美免费电话1 800-334-7787
•或收集世界上任何其他地方的电话+1(905)667 0587
PO Box 8, Stn Main Kimberley, BC, Canada V1A 2Y5
联系电话:250-427-6293 (加拿大) 18620725706(中国电话微信号)
联系邮箱:info@aqgedu.com; info@piecanada.ca
公司网址:www.aqgedu.com; www.piecanada.ca; www.aqgchina.com