前排从左到右:金伯利高尔夫俱乐部董事会副主席Ron Osterkampf、珀塞尔国际教育总裁Duncan MacLeod、金伯利高尔夫俱乐部财务秘书Derek Baker
后排从左到右:广东安侨教育科技咨询有限公司联合创始人Wendy NG、广东安侨教育科技咨询有限公司首席执行官Arthur Luk、珀塞尔国际教育有限公司学术部负责人Tom Ristimaki、安侨集团董事Tat Ki Chow
The Kimberley Golf Club is officially proceeding with the sale of the course to Purcell International Education after signing a financial agreement at a special meeting on Tuesday.
金伯利高尔夫俱乐部(Kimberley Golf Club)周二在一次特别会议上签署了一份财务协议,目前正正式着手将该球场出售给珀塞尔国际教育有限公司(Purcell International Education)。
Past and present board members were at the meeting, along with KGC’s Director of Golf Simon Jones and President of Purcell International Education Duncan MacLeod, who is heading up plans for the proposed International School that will be located on the course’s property.
前任和现任的董事会成员都出席了会议,KGC的高尔夫球主管西蒙·琼斯(Simon Jones)和珀塞尔国际教育公司(Purcell International Education)总裁邓肯·麦克劳德(Duncan MacLeod)也出席了会议。麦克劳德正在负责拟建的国际学校的规划工作。
Back in October of last year, KGC members voted in agreement to sell the course, with Golf Club Board President Ron Christensen saying the agreement is the best possible outcome for everyone.
去年10月,KGC会员投票同意出售该球场,高尔夫俱乐部董事会主席罗恩•克里斯坦森(Ron Christensen)表示,该协议对所有人来说都是最好的结果。
On Tuesday Christensen explained that there is still much legal work ahead before the sale officially goes through, and expects a meeting of club members and another vote to take place in the coming weeks.
“We’ve been working for nearly a year on this. The next step will be working towards finalizing the deal and receiving a vote from our membership,” said Christensen.
There will be a special general members meeting held alongside their Annual General Meeting, where a secret ballot vote will take place.
Despite the progress in the sale, the course will continue to operate as usual for the remainder of the season, and Christensen says there will still be access to the course when the school is operational. 18 holes will remain, although four holes will need to be relocated.
Once Purcell International Education takes over the ownership, plans will move forward to build an International School at the course’s location. Plans for the school are still in the very early stages and more information will soon be available.
新闻出处:Kimberley Bulletin
翻译:AQG Vivian