A map highlighting the area a private school is intending to be built on (Supplied by the City of Kimberley)Purcell International Education addressed attendees of a question and answer session and feel as though concerns may have been cleared up surrounding a proposed private school with a focus on elite athletics in Marysville.Members of the public attended an information session on Thursday night to ask PIE questions about the planned campus.“The community is supportive, and community members have offered suggestions and ideas,” said PIE President Duncan Macleod. “The collaborative potential of something like this is limitless. The more people that come forward with great ideas, the better the projects is going to be when it’s realized.”According to Macleod, the budget for phase one of t...
浏览次数: 124
更新日期: 2019 - 12 - 09
A screenshot of the OCP map amendment, which can be seen in the agenda package from Monday, November 25, 2019, on the City of Kimberley website.金伯利市政厅的网站上公布了2019年11月25日的会议议程,议程中包含OCP土地成分修正案的截图。A proposed international boarding school is one step closer to becoming a reality in Kimberley after Council voted in favour of an Official Community Plan map amendment, changing the zoning on two sections of land.金伯利市政厅投票通过了一项官方社区规划修正案,改变了两块土地的用途,这意味着拟议中的国际寄宿学校离成为现实更近一步。Purcell International Education (PIE) proposes to build an international boarding school on Kimberley Golf Course and adjacent lands owned by Westcastle Developments. They came to Council asking for an OCP map amendment to allow for future planning and development of the campus.珀塞尔国际教育(PIE)提议在金伯利高尔夫球场和韦斯特城堡开发公司拥有的邻近土地上建立一所国际寄宿学校。他们来到...
浏览次数: 99
更新日期: 2019 - 11 - 28
Past and present board members from Kimberley Golf Club are pictured signing an agreement with Purcell International Education in May of 2019. Pictured from left to right (bottom) Duncan MacLeod,President of Purcell International Education, Ron Christensen, President of the Board of Directors at KGC, Ron Osterkampf, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Top) John Burrell, past Board Member at KGC, Simon Jones,Director of Golf at KGC, Anne Wright, past Board Member at KGC, Derek Baker,Financial Secretary at KGC and Bob Mclean, Vice President of the Board of Directors at KGC. (Corey ...
发布时间: 2019 - 11 - 06
Chinese exchange students from Dongfengdong Primary School learn different kicks Friday evening at the Lacombe Karate and Kickboxing studio.A group of Grade 5 students from Guangzhou, China visiting Lacombe through the Wolf Creek Public Schools’ (WCPS) International Learning Program are getting a feel for life and culture in Canada.A total of 30 students arrived in the country Sept. 25 as part of a trip celebrating the sister school partnership between Terrace Ridge School and Dongfengdong Primary School. They’re the youngest group to visit yet, and are already getting their fill of all things...
发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 16
A group of 30 grade five students from Guangzhou, China arrived in Lacombe this week as part of the Wolf Creek International Learning program. Since the program inception just 14 months ago, over 150 students have been able to come to Canada to explore and take in Western culture. Mark McWinnie, Assistant Superintendent of Wolf Creek Public Schools, says both the Chinese and Canadian students are able to learn a lot from each other during these visits. “What’s unique about this program is the way we integrate it with our Canadian students. The Canadian students act is student am...
发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 16
WCPS student ambassadors greet 29 grades 7 to 12 students from Guangzhou, China, as they arrive in Alberta as part of a summer exchange program through the Wolf Creek International Learning Program. It may be well into summer holidays, but for a group of Chinese exchange students, the next two weeks will be spent with Wolf Creek Public Schools, learning about and exploring Alberta.Twenty-nine grades 7 to 12 students from Guangzhou, China arrived in Alberta July 16, and will spend the next two weeks with 20 WCPS student ambassadors as they share and learn about each others culture.“It’s a ...
发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 16
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