David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)

日期: 2021-09-13
浏览次数: 49
发表于: 2021-09-13
浏览次数: 49
I was afraid of seeing dentists until I met my idol

Congratulations to Mr. Guo from Shenzhen for receiving offers from University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, University of British Columbia,Queens University and Western University in Life Science/Health Science programs, with accumulated scholarships of over CAD $5000.


多伦多大学 (University of Toronto)

滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)

麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)

英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)

皇后大学(Queen’s University)以及

西安大略大学(Western University)

Life Sciences/Health Sciences(生命科学/健康科学)专业的录取通知书,累积入学奖学金超过5000加币。

This fall, Guo will attend the Life Science program at the University ofToronto, one of the largest and most competitive programs in Canada. It is alsothe premier program of University of Toronto – according to QS world universities rankings, Life Science program in University of Toronto ranks No.11 in the world and No.1 in Canada.


Congratulations to Guo for making his dream come true!


David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)


David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)


Guo attended high school in Vancouver, BC. Many Chinese students who study in Canada might think that Canadian curriculumis quite easy, especially because math taught in Chinese secondary schools is way ahead of Canadian math. However, Guo didn’t coast through hisstudies; he earned “A”grades in most of his courses in Grade 10 and 11. In Grade 11, along with Canadian consultants from AQG, he started pursuing what his heart craves for - being accepted to the science program of the most notable Canadian university and eventually becoming a doctor.


Why did Guo choose life science?  He said that when he was a child, his teethwere misaligned,and he needed to use bracesto correct them. Pointy and sharp tools and sitting in a dentist chairhopelessly made him afraid of seeing dentists in the beginning.


Fortunately, he met Dr. Chen, a gentle and amiable doctor. Dr. Chen would calmly ask him some questions, such as his learning progress, to divert his attention fromthe pain. As his teeth got better, he began to trust Dr. Chen, and opened his heart to Dr. Chen by talking to him about life issues, his interests and his dreams.


After learning about Guo’s interest in the human body, Dr. Chen taughthim some basic biology andmedicine every time Guo visited the dentist. Guo began to notice thatevery patient left Dr. Chen’s clinic with a big smile and gratitude.


After removing the braces, Guo decided to follow in Dr. Chen's footsteps. He hoped that one day he could become a doctor like Dr. Chen, and that he would receive great satisfaction from helping others. He looked forward to helping another hopeless child sitting in adentist chair.


When Guo decided to become a dentist like his idol Dr Chen, he knew that biology and chemistry would be the two most essential courses and they happened to be his favorite subjects.


During his studies in Canada, he worked asan intern at a dental clinic to gain more experience in his chosen career. He was mainly responsible for guiding patients how to carry out oral care, disinfecting instruments and equipment, and assisting dentists in diagnosing and recording the patient's tooth structure.In the process of interning, he became more determined to become a dentist.


Recently, Guo attended his high school graduation ceremony. He also went to Toronto to look around the city and school where he will live and study in the future. Now he is ready for the nextchallenge in his life:  undergraduate studyat the University of Toronto.  He will continue to stay focused and motivated onhis new journey, and he is getting closer to his dentistry dream...


David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)


David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)


David Guo(中国,广东,深圳)

TomRistimaki, PhD

AQG Canada集团公司教育顾问


Guo is very logical and good at making judgements. When he encounters problems, he will take the initiative to solve them.He is talented and clear about his life and career planning. As for the process ofplanning his career and career path, I am sincerely proud of him and his dedication to theentire application process and receiving his dream offer.



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